Thursday, June 20, 2024

Pest Control: Extermination Exterminators Sugar Ants

Sugar ants are very small and black in color. All of the workers in the colony are the same size (about 2.5 mm). They tend to stay in colonies of hundreds or more in order to scavenge for food and find shelter. So, if you see one sugar ant in your home there are probably hundreds more that are going unseen.

What does the sugar ant colony look like?
Ants are constantly on the hunt for food and shelter to keep their colony alive. Sugar Ants queens in several locations, the workers can all trail together regardless of their home colonies, and the colonies frequently move from place to place, both inside and outside.

Where are sugar ants commonly found?
Sugar house ants can be very annoying as they frequently establish trails along kitchen counters, cabinets, sinks, and baseboards in their search for food.

Signs of Sugar house ants
Sugar house ants signs are large swarms of little black ants on kitchen countertop, bathrooms near pipes or crevices and baseboards.

Tips for Prevention of Sugar House Ants or Little black Sugar Ants
Remove any piles of debris, wood, and junk from around your house.
Keep trees, shrubs, and plants trimmed and away from your home.
Caulk cracks and crevices around foundations that provide entry from outside.
Eliminate food sources inside the building or prevent access to suitable food by keeping it in ant-proof containers.
Contact one of our experienced technicians to put together a safe, and eco-friendly IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program to provide a lasting solution to your Sugar House Ant concerns.

Do sugar ants bite?
Sugar ants do sting but its not painful, or cause damage to wood. Sugar ants are more of nuisance than are destructive in nature.

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